Want to Extract a Manuscript from Your Thesis? We Can Help!
Start Your New Journey With Us!
Create a top-notch manuscript for journal publication!
Structured • Precise • Meticulous
1.Journal Selection

2.Compressing Information
3. Modifying the Introduction

4.Filtering Information
5. Limiting References

Connect with the Research Paper Publication Experts Today and explore our comprehensive publication support services!
Why Choose Us
Getting your hands on a good manuscript doesn’t always guarantee that it will be published. That’s where our research paper editing services come in. We use our elite networking skills and editing expertise to get your paper published in the journal of your choice!
Appropriate Journal Selection
Graphics Formatting
Citation Analysis
Assistance with Reviewer Comments
Plagiarism Checking
Pre-Submission Review
Journal Submission
Our Premium Packages
Gold Pack
Plagiarism check
Premium Editing
Artwork Formatting
Journal Selection
Journal Submission
Resubmission Support
Pre-submission Peer Review
Platinum Pack
Submission to the Journal
Premium Editing
Artwork Formatting
Journal Selection
Journal Submission
Resubmission Support
Pre-submission Peer Review
In-Depth Research Paper/Thesis Writing
Citation Analysis
Assistance with Reviewer Comments
Frequently Asked Questions
The role of the thesis and research paper seem similar as both contain research-based content, analysis, and other components. However, if we look closely, the thesis differs as it must meet specific academic requirements and policies, while research papers need to adhere to the particular details and standards set by journals. This distinction means that theses and research papers can be developed based on different specifications and details, often with the guidance of an online research publication expert to ensure compliance and quality.
These are the specifications and core elements of journal publications as we help students and academics convert their thesis into a research paper for journal publications. This specific process is known as article extraction and we at ISI have in-depth experience of doing this and making it a worthy manuscript.
Have a look at what our published author has to say

Dr. Ana Adams
Thriving career thanks to mjlclarivate Journal Publication
“Being a part of such a prestigious platform where you feel the focus of some incredible editors is unquestionably an honor. You might be needed again. Many thanks.”
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Dr. Floyd davidson
Editor In Chief United Kingdom

George Adam
Senior Publication Manager United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone
Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance United Kingdom