Want to Extract a Manuscript from Your Thesis? We Can Help!

Looking to turn your thesis into an impactful online research publication? We can guide you every step of the way.


Though theses, research articles, and online research papers may seem similar, they serve not only different audiences but also entirely different purposes. Thesis papers need to meet academic requirements, whereas research papers must adhere to journalistic standards. At ISI journal publications, we offer comprehensive online research paper editing services, and researchers format and compile all their thesis data into a publication-worthy manuscript.

Start Your New Journey With Us!

Create a top-notch manuscript for journal publication!

Structured • Precise • Meticulous

1.Journal Selection

Different publication journals have different criteria for publishing papers, so we offer research paper publishing services to help you find one that best suits your interests.

2.Compressing Information

We handpick all the best parts of your thesis and compile a manuscript that touches all keynotes while reducing the total length, ensuring it’s polished to perfection with our journal editing service.

3. Modifying the Introduction

Our experts repurpose your thesis introduction into an abstract that captures all the important details of your paper, ensuring it meets the standards of ISI recognized journals and holds the reader’s attention.

4.Filtering Information

These are naturally lengthier as they encapsulate several years’ worth of literature review. Therefore, as part of our research publication services, we handpick the relevant data for the manuscript

5. Limiting References

We use different reference management tools to focus on more recent references that are relevant to the research question as per the journal’s standards.

Connect with the Research Paper Publication Experts Today and explore our comprehensive publication support services!

Why Choose Us

Getting your hands on a good manuscript doesn’t always guarantee that it will be published. That’s where our research paper editing services come in. We use our elite networking skills and editing expertise to get your paper published in the journal of your choice!

Appropriate Journal Selection

Graphics Formatting

Citation Analysis

Assistance with Reviewer Comments

Plagiarism Checking

Pre-Submission Review

Journal Submission

Our Premium Packages

Gold Pack

End-to-end publication-focused support for up to two journals
  • Plagiarism check
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Journal Selection
  • Journal Submission
  • Resubmission Support
  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Platinum Pack

High-end publication support, including a complete techical review
  • Submission to the Journal
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Journal Selection
  • Journal Submission
  • Resubmission Support
  • Pre-submission Peer Review
  • In-Depth Research Paper/Thesis Writing
  • Citation Analysis
  • Assistance with Reviewer Comments

Frequently Asked Questions

We are all about clearing your concerns, answering your queries, and keeping satisfied at all times.

The role of the thesis and research paper seem similar as both contain research-based content, analysis, and other components. However, if we look closely, the thesis differs as it must meet specific academic requirements and policies, while research papers need to adhere to the particular details and standards set by journals. This distinction means that theses and research papers can be developed based on different specifications and details, often with the guidance of an online research publication expert to ensure compliance and quality.


These are the specifications and core elements of journal publications as we help students and academics convert their thesis into a research paper for journal publications. This specific process is known as article extraction and we at ISI have in-depth experience of doing this and making it a worthy manuscript.


Yes, you can select as many services as you want as journal publications allow its clients a variety of services. However, it should be identified whether your editor has completed editing your manuscript or not as it would be a lengthy process all over again. So, it is necessary to ensure this and the extra cost for such extra services will be conveyed and levied to you as we don’t charge any extra fees beyond the cost of the research paper publication help services you choose.
If you submitted the wrong document for article extraction then you cannot submit an additional document as your editor has already started working on it. The additional document specifically requires extra words and thus additional fees will be charged to you. Hence, it is highly recommended to submit the correct document so that you can be free of such hassle.
We at journal publication give special emphasis on our editors and proofreaders as we never compromise on our quality services and customer satisfaction. Our editors for article extraction are subject-matter specialists and Ph.D. scholars who are experienced in almost every area of research and can help you generate a worthy article from your thesis.

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author has to say

Dr. Ana Adams

Thriving career thanks to mjlclarivate Journal Publication

“Being a part of such a prestigious platform where you feel the focus of some incredible editors is unquestionably an honor. You might be needed again. Many thanks.”

Meet Our Experts

Dr. Floyd davidson

Editor In Chief
United Kingdom


Senior Publication Manager
United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone

Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance
United Kingdom

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