With the help of our editing services for business and economics papers, you can raise the calibre of your manuscript
- A subject-specific writer assigned by our system.
- Expert refinement of your manuscript by top-notch specialists in your field.
- The use of accurate technical language.
- A thorough review of facts and figures by an experienced professional in your niche.
Expertise across 150+ subjects
Our expertise in this field are demonstrated by the fact that we are knowledgeable in more than 150 areas and have edited an impressive 370,000+ papers in the medical sciences. Contact us and we’ll discover the best expert for you if you can’t find the precise topic for your assignment.
The following subjects are covered by the editing services for business and economics papers
- Accounting
- Actuarial Science
- Applied Economics
- Auditing
- Banking
- Business Administration
- Business Ethics
- Business Management
- Case Management
- Economic Policy
- Economics
- Exports And Imports
- Finance
- Financial Advising
- Financial Analysis
- Financial Management
- Financial Risk Management
- Human Resource
- Management
- Insurance
- Marketing
- Quality Management
- Spatial Economics
- Statistics
View the Educational Background of Our Business and Economics Editing Experts

Alex Gordon
Mba in Marketing, University of Luxembourg
17+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Joey Mark
Masters in Accounting and Auditing, University of California
15+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Dick Edward
Masters in Auditing, Edc Paris Business School
25+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Roy Floyd
Ph.D. in Economics, Havard University
6+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Abdul Kazmark
MBA in Human Resource, Institute of Business Administration
5+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Helen Ronin
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Groningen
11+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Louis Robert
MBA in Finance, John Hopkins University
5+ years of experience
1000+ paper

David Brooks
Bachelors in Economics , Royal Roads University
7+ years of experience
500+ paper

Alex Hayes
MBA, University of Cambridge
10+ years of experience
1000+ paper
The publishing field is being revolutionized by Mjlclarivate Journal Publications, which offers services for editing business and economics papers
Journal Name | Published Paper Title | Author’s Name | Impact Factor |
Plant Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics: Perspectives | Long-distance edge effect has a strong influence on herb-layer vegetation in forest fragments in an agricultural landscape | Lisa Hofmeister | 4.158 |
Land Use Policy | Collective action vs. conservation auction: Lessons from a social experiment in Japan involving a collective auction of water conservation contracts | Daisuke Takahashi | 3.134 |
Technovation | The factors that influence the licensing activities of Japan's local public technology centers | Nobuya Fukugawa | 2.993 |
Review of Economics and Statistics | Density and productivity economies in service industries: An inspection of personal service industries using establishment-level data | Masayuki Morikawa | 2.883 |
Ecological Economics | A survey of the period of environmental alternate dispute resolution in Japan | Shigeru Matsumoto | 2.754 |
Journal Name
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Gondwana Research
Physical Review Letters
Published Paper Title
Mutational robustness of 16S ribosomal RNA, shown by experimental horizontal gene transfer in Escherichia coli
Confinement in carbon nanospace-induced production of Ki nanocrystals of high-pressure phase
Magnetic sponge prepared with an alkanedithiol-bridged network of nanomagnets
Crustal anatexis and formation of two types of granitic magmas in the Kontum massif, central Vietnam: Implications for magma processes in collision zones
Novel Relativistic Plasma Excitations in a Gated Two-Dimensional Electron System
Author’s Name
Kentaro Miyazaki
Koki Urita
Yoshikazu Ito
Masaaki Owada
Viacheslav Muravev
Impact Factor
Join MjlClarivate Journal Publications during your publication journey.
Classify Your Journal List
we offer
Our experts recommend the best journals based on your research topic.
Working On Your Paper
we offer
After you sign up for the social science paper editing service, your assigned specialist will assist you in properly drafting your paper.
Final Paper Submission
we offer
We offer Re-editing, Resubmission assistance, Response letter check, and Facts and terminology check prior to submission of your paper.
Impactful And Effective Research
we offer
- Peer impact
- Impact solution for funders
- Media impact solution
We have the support and backing of industry experts and partners.

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Frequently Asked Questionsd
We are committed to resolving your issues, answering your questions, and keeping you satisfied at all times.
Mjlclarivate Journal Publications provides a subject-specific strategy for editing business and economics papers. Manuscripts are assigned to specialists in business and economics based on their areas of expertise. They ensure that it is ready for submission to a journal. Our experts will deliver a plagiarism-free, grammatical-error-free, and properly referenced document that is ready for submission.
Because a large portion of our audience consists of students, we have kept the budget as low as possible. At Mjlclarivate Journal Publication, we understand that earning money during your educational years can be difficult, which is why we frequently offer discounts and tailor our deals to our customers' needs. We guarantee that money will not be an issue on our platform.
We recommend using the Premium Editing service if you are unsure how many rounds of editing your paper will require. If you need multiple rounds of editing but don't need the logic, flow, tone, or other aspects checked, you can use our Advanced Editing service for the first round. You can get a 60 percent discount on each subsequent round of our Multiple-Round Advanced Editing service.
However, you should be aware that the Multiple-Round Advanced Editing service does not include the Premium Editing benefits, such as testing logic, flow, structure, and tone.
If you have a question for your editor, log in to your account and click the "Submit Question" button. Typically, we respond within one business day. However, because the nature and volume of inquiries influence the delivery timeline, a member of our client service team will confirm it with you.
Nonetheless, our customer service representatives are available 24/7 and ready to answer any of your questions and concerns, so don't hesitate to contact us.
The advanced editing service is designed for clients who want to provide regular feedback and keep track of the editing process. With our advanced editing services, however, we set aside a specific amount of time for instructions and modifications so that the article can be delivered on time. Although re-editing is possible, major decisions such as referencing style and other important features cannot be changed after a certain amount of time has passed.
Have a look at what our published author has to say

Meet Our Experts

Dr. Floyd davidson
Editor In Chief United Kingdom

George Adam
Senior Publication Manager United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone
Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance United Kingdom