Maximize the chances of getting your paper published in your preferred journal by utilizing our journal submission services.

The process of submitting a paper to a journal can be time-consuming and confusing, as each publication has its own set of submission requirements that must be met. Our service streamlines the process, saving you both time and frustration.

Steps for ordering a plagiarism check service for research papers

1. An order is placed by you

A client must first complete the order form with accurate and correct information.

2. We process your order

We immediately receive it and confirm the order. We then schedule timelines and estimate the delivery date.

3. Timelines and deadlines

Our staff managers and administrators consider the incoming orders and provide a specific and accurate delivery date for your edited research paper.

4. Submit your manuscript

When you place your order, you'll be prompted to submit your manuscript for editing and submission. During this process, you'll need to select your preferred journal for publication.

5. Editing and shortlisting the journals

Our editors will thoroughly edit your manuscript to meet the standards of your preferred journal, as well as other shortlisted journals.

6. Account creation and submission

Our experts will handle the submission process by creating accounts and managing the submission. With years of experience, they know how to submit manuscripts to various journals, and they'll also reach out to you for any necessary information or documents to ensure accuracy.


We make sure that you get your paper published!
Our expertise lies in meeting the standards of any journal publication. We’ll format your manuscript to meet the requirements of your preferred publication.

Get journal submission service as part of our support packages.

We guarantee affordability and quality in the submission process with our comprehensive packages!

Silver Pack

Budget publication-support package
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Journal Selection
  • Journal Submission
  • Resubmission Support
  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Gold Pack

End-to-end publication-focused support for up to two journals
  • Plagiarism check
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Journal Selection
  • Journal Submission
  • Resubmission Support
  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Platinum Pack

High-end publication support, including a complete techical review
  • Plagiarism check
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Journal Selection
  • Journal Submission
  • Resubmission Support
  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Accelerate your publication journey with the help of a dedicated expert.

Smooth out the challenges of journal submissions and save valuable time and resources by navigating your journey with expert guidance.

Ensured Quality

We will make revisions and adjustments to your work until it meets your satisfaction.

If you are still not satisfied, you can request a full refund.


Prompt Delivery

We guarantee timely delivery and can turnaround work in as little as 8 hours.

If we ever miss a deadline, we will refund your costs.

Secured Data

We take the security of your work seriously and have strict non-disclosure agreements in place for all of our specialists and staff.

Our state-of-the-art systems in compliance with ISO standards ensure the safekeeping of your files.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are all about clearing your concerns, answering your queries, and keeping satisfied at all times.

We will begin by organizing your paper as per the guidelines of your chosen journal and provide the necessary steps for submission, including necessary documents, certifications, and so on. We will set up a journal account for you and help you prepare the PDF version of your article. Once you have approved it, we will submit the paper to the journal on your behalf and give you access to the journal's account.


If you have any questions for your editor, you can use the "Submit Question" feature after logging into your account. We usually respond within one business day, but the response time may vary based on the number and nature of inquiries. Our customer service team is available 24/7 to answer any of your concerns and queries, so feel free to contact us.

If you would like to add a service after placing your order, simply reach out to our customer service team to see if it is possible. It's usually not a problem to add an extra check as long as your editor has not finished editing the manuscript.

Any extra costs for the additional service will be charged immediately. Depending on the length of your work and the remaining editing time, we may ask you to extend the deadline by a few hours. Our editor will confirm first whether the additional service can be added or not.


There are several factors that determine whether a journal will publish your paper or not, and it all comes down to the quality of the work. We place a high importance on quality and don't compromise on it. Our professional editors will provide you with a polished final manuscript. However, we cannot guarantee publication. By supporting you in following the publication regulations, we aim to increase your chances of getting published.

The advanced editing service is designed for clients who want to be involved in the editing process and provide regular feedback. With this service, we set a specific amount of time for instructions and modifications to ensure the article is delivered on time. Re-editing is possible, but certain decisions like referencing style and other important elements cannot be changed after a certain point.

When it comes to journal submission services, journal selection, or resubmission support, our experts prioritize your preferences while choosing the best journals for publication.

Our pricing and financial services are tailored to our target audience and we often offer discounts on our services. Our rates are affordable even for part-time students. Three factors determine the pricing at MjlClarivate Journal Publications:

The word count of your document

The type of editing you choose (advanced editing or premium editing)

The requested turnaround time or delivery date

For an accurate quote, please contact the information provided on our website.

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Meet Our Experts

Dr. Floyd davidson

Editor In Chief
United Kingdom


Senior Publication Manager
United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone

Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance
United Kingdom

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