Connect with distinguished life science research paper editors who are renowned in the field.

Expertise in Over 200 Subjects

We have edited approximately 15,000 publications in the field of Life Sciences and allied disciplines, spanning 8,000 reviews. Our team has experience editing for top journals and prestigious academic publishers. We are a great option for researchers looking to publish in journals with a high impact factor.

The MjlClarivate Journal Publications has delved into the following life science topics

Our Life Science Specialists

Neil Paltrow

Msc Astrophysics, University of Sheffield

3+ years of experience
500+ paper

Leo Brooks

Msc in Palaeontology, University of Edinburgh

10+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Amenda Rowan

Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Texas

10+ years of experience
500+ paper

Bruce Garfield

Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, The George Washington University

20+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Alex Spencer

Ph.D. in Human Anatomy, University Of Dundee

20+ years of experience
6000+ paper

Freded Fisher

Msc Immunology, Koc University

3+ years of experience
1000+ paper

CoL Osbourne

Msc Biomedical Science, Edinburgh Napier University

1+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Larun Walters

Msc in Clinical Anatomy, University of York

5+ years of experience
500+ paper

David Mccoy

Ms in Ecology, Western State Colorado University

9+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Transform and innovate the prospects of editing and publishing life science research papers

Journal Name Published Paper Title Author’s Name Impact Factor
Current Biology Distinct motor plans form and retrieve distinct motor memories for physically identical movements Daichi Nozaki 9.647
Biotechnology Advances Thermophiles in the genomic era: Biodiversity, science, and applications Kian Mau Goh 9.015
Clinical Cancer Research Keratin 19, a cancer stem cell marker in human hepatocellular carcinoma Takayuki Kawai 8.193
Clinical Chemistry Rapid Diagnosis of Aneuploidy by High-Resolution Melting Analysis of Segmental Duplications Qiwei Guo 7.905
Journal of Neuroscience Gain field encoding of the kinematics of both arms in the internal model enables flexible bimanual action Daichi Nozaki 7.271

Accompanying you throughout your publishing journey

Sort Out Your Journal List

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Our specialists suggest the optimal journals for your paper.

Drafting Your

we offer

We provide a comprehensive range of services for your drafting phase, including various editing services and subject-specific services such as life science research services.


Submission Of Final Paper

we offer

Prior to submitting your paper, we offer support for re-editing, resubmission, response letter verification.

Effective And Impactful Research

we offer

Editing services from MJLCLARIVATE Journal Publications guarantees you peer impact, impact solution for funders and Media impact solution

We are fully supported and encouraged by industry experts and partners

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Frequently Asked Questionsd

We are committed to resolving your issues, answering your questions, and keeping you satisfied at all times.

This is a standard research paper editing service provided by life science experts. We offer editing services for papers related to the field of life sciences.

MjlClarivate Journal Publications encompasses all major areas of medical writing and encompasses all fields within the realm of life sciences, including life science research paper editing. We have worked with over 20 subjects within life sciences, such as human anatomy, histology, and zoology.

Yes, we do. If a new domain is required, we locate expert writers for our clients. Quality is never compromised at MjlClarivate Journal Publications. We have multiple experts in medical writing, some of whom write only within their area of expertise. Some of our experts are listed on our website.

Our life science research editing services are provided by multiple expert writers who hold master's or Ph.D. degrees in various life science disciplines. Our writers come from prestigious universities such as the University of Sheffield, Texas, and Edinburgh.

MJLCLARIVATE Journal Publications offers three types of editing programs: standard, advanced, premium, and scientific editing services. You can choose a plan based on your needs and budget, and each package guarantees high-quality work without any compromises.

Our pricing strategy was developed with the average target customer's budget in mind, considering that the majority of our clients are in college or university. As a result, our prices are incredibly cost-effective and fit within your budget. Click on "Get a free quote" to be directed to a message window where our representative can provide more information on our plans and pricing.

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Dr. Floyd davidson

Editor In Chief
United Kingdom


Senior Publication Manager
United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone

Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance
United Kingdom

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