Receive the highest quality version of your medical manuscript with our expert editing service

Expertise in Over 200 Subjects

Our 20+ years of service, expertise in over 200 domains, and successful completion of 20,000 medical publication edits demonstrate our proficiency. If you’re unable to find a specialist for your paper, reach out to us and we’ll find one for you.

We Have Expertise In All The Following Physical Science Subjects

Our Medical Science Specialists

Ronald Hutchinson

Doctor of Surgery, University of Toronto

3+ years of experience
500+ paper

Chris Drew

Msc in Oncology, Duke University

10+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Black Flores

Ph.D. in Biomedical, Yale University

10+ years of experience
500+ paper

Andrew Allen

MBBS, University Of Washington

20+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Kaif Morton

Ph.D. in Critical Care, Columbia University

20+ years of experience
6000+ paper

Eva Harvey

Msc in Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institute

3+ years of experience
1000+ paper


Dentistry, John Hopkins University

1+ years of experience
1000+ paper

Ellie Ross

Specialization in Dental Surgery, University of Arkansas

5+ years of experience
500+ paper

Brad Pratt

Ph. D in Visual Impairment, Emory University

9+ years of experience
1000+ paper

MJLCLARIVATE Journal Publications is revolutionizing the dynamics of publishing prospects for medical paper editing service

Journal Name Published Paper Title Author’s Name Impact Factor
Circulation Research Neuronal calcium sensor-1 promotes immature heart function and hypertrophy by enhancing Ca2+ signals Tomoe Nishitani 9.504
Journal of Hepatology Rho inhibitor prevents ischemia reperfusion injury in rat steatotic liver Shintaro Kuroda 9.334
Journal of Hepatology Translocator Protein (18 kDa), a Potential Molecular Imaging Biomarker for Noninvasively Distinguishing Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Lin Xie 9.264
European Urology Re: Yann Neuzillet, Xavier Tillou, Romain Mathieu, et al. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in patients with end-stage renal disease exhibits many favourable clinical, pathologic, and outcome features compared with RCC in the general population Toyonori Tsuzuki 8.843
Diabetes A New Strategy for Early Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Standard-Free, Label-Free LC-MS/MS Quantification of Glycated Peptides Mei Zhang 8.3

Join MjlClarivate Journal Publications for a successful publishing experience.

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Our specialists advise you on the optimal journal to submit your research based on its topic

Drafting Your

we offer

With our medical paper editing service, your designated expert will assist in crafting your manuscript to meet publication standards

Submission Of Final Paper

we offer

Our pre-submission support includes re-editing, resubmission assistance, response letter evaluation, and fact and terminology verification


Effective And Impactful Research

we offer

Choosing MjlClarivate Journal Publications’ editing services ensures a positive impact on peers, funding entities, and media outlets

MJLCLARIVATE Publications are supported and
endorsed by industry leaders and partners.

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Frequently Asked Questionsd

We are committed to resolving your issues, answering your questions, and keeping you satisfied at all times.

MjlClarivate Journal Publications is equipped to handle a wide range of subjects, including IT, medical sciences, and mathematics. If we need to work on a new topic, we find professional writers in that field to assist our clients. The quality of our journal articles is never compromised. Our staff includes several medical writing experts, some of whom specialize in specific areas. You can find a list of our professionals on our website.

Our medical paper editing services are intended for clients whose research or manuscript topics fall within the realm of physical sciences. We have experts from various reputable colleges and universities who have mastery in different fields of medical sciences. So far, we have covered almost 30 different medical science subjects, and we provide services in all of them.

To ensure that our pricing strategy is affordable and cost-effective for our target customers, we conducted thorough research on the average budget of college and university students, who make up the majority of our clients. When you request a free quote, you'll be directed to a messaging box where one of our representatives will give you more details about our pricing plans and ranges.

MjlClarivate Journal Publications is capable of handling a wide range of subjects, including IT, medical sciences, and mathematics. If we need to work on a new topic, we find professional writers in that field to assist our clients. The quality of our journal articles is never compromised. Our staff includes several medical writing experts, some of whom specialize in specific areas. You can find a list of our professionals on our website.

MjlClarivate Journal Publications uses AI software to manage orders and automatically assign tasks to the relevant subject matter expert.

The rejection rate for journals can range from 30% to 90%, with journals with high standards typically having a rejection rate of around 90%. Open-access journals generally have a lower rejection rate.

MjlClarivate Journal Publications offers a resubmission support service in which our experts handle the entire process, from editing based on journal feedback to creating an account and submitting the final manuscript to other prestigious journals. We make sure to adhere to all the requirements of the desired journal to minimize the likelihood of rejection.

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Meet Our Experts

Dr. Floyd davidson

Editor In Chief
United Kingdom


Senior Publication Manager
United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone

Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance
United Kingdom

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