Maximize the quality of your manuscript by utilizing our pre-submission peer review

Say goodbye to prolonged waiting periods for feedback on your work. With our peer review services, you can expect results in just one week.

Your paper will be evaluated by our knowledgeable reviewers and editors who have a wealth of experience from renowned journals.

Grab Our Services Soon



Take advantage of these extra benefits offered through our peer review services

Quick evaluation in a short time

Quick evaluation in a short time frame - Get comprehensive feedback on your paper in less than a week from our highly knowledgeable reviewers, instead of waiting for weeks for comments from journal reviewers.

Profound Revisions

Prioritized recommendations - Our specialists prioritize their suggested changes based on their importance, allowing you to focus on the most critical issues. Our experts also provide modifications based on the standards followed by your desired journal publication.

Specialized technical expertise

Detailed examination process - The review includes specific trigger questions that encourage our reviewers to consider every possible aspect of your research, from study design to data analysis.


Users gave us outstanding rating

The vast majority (97%) of researchers have reported that our pre-submission peer review service enhanced the quality of their last published paper by detecting scientific mistakes, lacking, and incorrect references.

Overview of What You Will Get

With our peer review services, we aim to make the publication process easier and faster for you by offering a comprehensive and detailed peer evaluation.

Sample report


Users gave us outstanding rating

Our expertise lies in meeting the standards of any journal publication. We’ll format your manuscript to meet the requirements of your preferred publication.

Get journal submission service as part of our support packages.

We guarantee affordability and quality in the submission process with our comprehensive packages!

Platinum Pack

From reviewing your content to publication.


Accelerate your publication journey with the help of a dedicated expert.

Smooth out the challenges of journal submissions and save valuable time and resources by navigating your journey with expert guidance.

1 in 10

BELs certified editors
across the globe are associated with MJLCLARIVATE Journal Publications

Nearly 97% of researchers hold the view that the pre-submission peer review service enhanced the quality of their latest published paper through the detection of scientific mistakes and the correction of missing or inaccurate references.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are all about clearing your concerns, answering your queries, and keeping satisfied at all times.

The peer-review process of a journal is crucial and reviewers play a key role in the editing and decision-making stages. The editorial timeline of a journal may vary, causing a delay in the peer-review process. To avoid rejections and improve your manuscript's chances of publication, it's beneficial to seek technical guidance from a specialist in your field. Our specialists will evaluate various aspects of your manuscript, including its uniqueness, study design, research methodology, relevance, ethical compliance, data analysis, and adherence to journal rules, and provide feedback or suggestions for improvement.


Our pre-submission peer review will only identify the areas that need your attention, but we can't make corrections for you. If you want technical corrections to your paper, you can use our scientific editing service or any other editing service of your choice. If you're resubmitting after receiving journal reviews, our resubmission support service may help you revise your work in response to the journal reviewers' recommendations.



Absolutely. Choosing the right reviewer is crucial to the success of the peer-review process. Let our specialists, who are experienced editors/peer-reviewers for international journals and have a thorough understanding of both sides of the process, assist you in selecting appropriate reviewers for your target journal. Our specialists will assess potential reviewers' expertise in your topic area and select them based on their recent publication record, academic background, reputation, and geographic location.



Yes, we do offer resubmission support. This service is designed for clients whose final manuscript has been rejected by their desired journal's peers. Our MjlClarivate Journal Publication experts will help these clients improve their content and review their work based on the journal peers' comments. After reviewing and editing, our experts will also create an account and submit the articles on behalf of the client, as they have in-depth knowledge of how these journal publications work.


When choosing the right journal, it's important to consider its influencing variables. When selecting a target journal, key factors to consider include the journal's goals, alignment with your study subject, uniqueness of your research, publication frequency, and journal coverage (indexed in well-known databases such as Scopus, SCI, SCIE, SSCI, and others).

MJLCLARIVATE Journal Publication provides a range of editing and post-production services. MjlClarivate Journal Publications offers three levels of editing services: advanced, premium, and scientific editing. These three differ in terms of pricing and services offered.

If your paper has been rejected by a journal, we offer resubmission assistance as a follow-up service. We will thoroughly review the journal reviewers' feedback and re-edit the work accordingly. We also offer journal selection and submission services to make this process easier for our clients. To avoid rejections, we provide a pre-submission peer review service that will identify mistakes and correct the structure before submission. Our professionals are dedicated to ensuring your paper is published in a prestigious publication, from editing to submission.

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Meet Our Experts

Dr. Floyd davidson

Editor In Chief
United Kingdom


Senior Publication Manager
United Kingdom

Arnold Cranstone

Senior Manager Support & Quality Assurance
United Kingdom

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