Covering a wide range of subject areas and over 1000 domains.
Create a top-notch manuscript for journal publication!
Structured • Precise • Meticulous
Select service and submit manuscript.
Your work is paired with a relevant specialist with competence in your subject area.
Extensive check for accuracy and error-free.
A thorough review by two experts is implemented to ensure precision and eliminate errors.
The expert assigned to you will work with you until all your goals are achieved.
You can Work with them till satisfied with final manuscript.
96% of researchers have reported that our pre-submission peer review service improved the quality of their last published papers by identifying and rectifying scientific errors, missing and inaccurate references.
IIf our work falls short of your expectations, we will revise and make changes until you are fully satisfied.
And If still not satisfied, you can receive a full refund of your costs.
We guarantee timely delivery and meet deadlines by swiftly adjusting our work schedule.
In case of rare missed deadlines, we provide a refund.
We go to great lengths to safeguard your work by imposing strict Non-Disclosure Agreements on all our specialists and staff.
utilizing the latest ISO standard systems to ensure the safety of your files.
We distinguish our customer support staff by their empathetic approach and deep understanding of client needs. Our goal is to provide an effortless and delightful experience for our clients that encourages them to remain loyal and recommend us to their peers. We believe in building personal, emotional connections with our customers to establish ourselves as their trusted advisors.
We are dedicated to addressing your concerns, providing answers to your questions, and ensuring ongoing satisfaction.
Mjlclarivate Journal Publication offers a wide range of editing services, including advanced, premium, and scientific editing services. These options differ in terms of both cost and the number of services provided.
In addition, we also offer post-submission support, which includes a thorough review of journal feedback and re-editing of your manuscript to increase the chances of publication in a reputable journal. From start to finish, our team of experts work diligently to ensure the success of your manuscript.
If you wish to add a service after placing your order, simply contact our customer service team to determine if it is still possible. As long as your editor has not finished editing your manuscript, adding an extra check is usually not a problem.
Additional charges for the extra service will be applied immediately. Depending on the length of your work and the remaining editing time, we may also ask you to extend the deadline by a few hours. Our editors will also be consulted to confirm if the additional services can be accommodated.
We can help you if you're unsure about the plan to choose. You must take the following actions:
After a document has been ordered, it cannot be changed. If you want to submit a different version of your work, please get in touch with the support team as soon as you can.
Note: You will be charged for the extra words that need to be changed if the editor has already started working on your document.
We regard subject-matter expertise highly. Our editorial team is made up of doctors, PhDs, MDs, postgraduates, engineers, and even journal peer reviewers. More than 60% of our manuscript editors have experience in research. Each editor possesses a high level of technical proficiency in that particular field of study, as well as a keen understanding of the finer points of your subject, associated writing conventions, language, etc.
Our target audience informs the decisions we make about our financial services and budget strategies. Additionally, we routinely offer discounts on our services. Due to our affordable charges, even students who work part-time can use our service. Pricing at mjlclarivate Journal Publications is influenced by three factors: