Our extensive knowledge in over 200 different topics, coupled with our experience editing over 470,000 papers in medical sciences, showcases our expertise in this field. If your desired subject area is not listed, feel free to reach out to us and we will find the suitable expert for you.
Our specialists recommend the best journals based on the topic of your study.
Once you've enrolled in our social science paper editing service, your assigned expert will guide you in crafting your manuscript effectively.
We offer re-editing, support for resubmission, review of response letters, and verification of facts and terminology prior to submitting your paper.
MjlClarivate Journal Publications offers a subject-specific social science paper editing service, where each manuscript is assigned to a relevant expert to make it ready for journal submission. The edited manuscript will be free of plagiarism and grammatical errors and properly cited.
We have carefully considered the typical target consumer budget and developed a cost-effective pricing approach to suit the majority of our clients who are college or university students. Get a free quote to learn more about our plans and pricing ranges through a message box with a representative.
MjlClarivate journal publications are renowned for their high quality, and we have a team of medical writing experts as well as specialists in fields such as information technology, medical sciences, and mathematics. If a new issue arises, we will find a qualified author to assist you. Our list of specialists can be found on our website.
MjlClarivate Journal Publications utilizes AI software to keep track of orders and assign tasks to subject matter experts.
Our writers and editors come from various parts of the world and boast exceptional accomplishments in their respective fields. For the social sciences, our writers hold advanced degrees in fields like psychology, political science, sociology, and more.
The rejection rate for journals can vary from 30% to 90%, with higher rejection rates for journals with good to high standards and lower rejection rates for open-access journals.
Mjlclarivate Journal Publication offers a resubmission support service, where our experts handle the editing process based on the feedback from journal peers, and ensure that the final manuscript follows the desired journal's rules to minimize the likelihood of rejection.