< Resubmission Journal Service | Re-execute & Fulfil Journal criteria

Let Our Expert Editors Help You Revise Your Manuscript with Our Resubmission Journal Service

Following feedback from the reviewer, our experienced editors will step in to guide you in making all necessary revisions. Our team of specialists will then provide a thorough re-evaluation.

  • Assess the reviewed manuscript to verify its conformity with the publication's guidelines.
  • Investigate each aspect and remark of the journal's review thoroughly to guarantee that responses are precise.
  • Precision in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and factual information will be our paramount concern.

Resubmission Journal Service

The resubmission service is not included in every financial plan. If you desire to obtain resubmission assistance, click the link below to receive a quote.


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Rejected Final Manuscript? MjlClarivate Journal Publications Can Enhance Your Paper and Help You Submit to Other Journals.

Attach Your Paper At The Time Of Booking

  • Make a list of all the feedback from journal reviewers as well as your specific requests for changes to your manuscript.

Compelling Cover Letter

  • After thoroughly editing and incorporating desired revisions, we will provide you with an eye-catching cover letter to accompany your submission. This letter adds value to your overall submission and can pique the editor's interest in publishing your work if it meets their standards.

Account Creation And Management Is Done By Our Professionals

  • For resubmissions, we leave no room for error, and our experts will handle the process. Our professionals will set up, maintain, and manage your account to make it more professional and impressive. They are familiar with the journal's requirements and will keep you updated on any future submissions you may need to make.

Submission Of Final Reviewed Paper

  • Our skilled editors will submit the final version of your manuscript after editing and review. As proof of submission, we will also provide you with a PDF file of the manuscript.


Number of papers submitted through journal submission service

Each publication has a unique format for submissions, and our experts will format your paper according to the guidelines specified by your desired journal. Our specialists will also compose a cover letter for journal submission, addressed to the editor.

With Any Of Our Service Plans, You Will Get Multiple Benefits.

Opt for the Journal Submission service as part of our Publication Support Packages for a stress-free submission process.

Gold Pack

End-to-end publication-focused support for up to two journals

  • Resubmission Support
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Journal Selection
  • Pre-submission Peer Review

Platinum Pack

High-end publication support, including a complete techical review

  • Resubmission Support
  • Premium Editing
  • Artwork Formatting
  • Plagiarism Check
  • Journal Selection
  • Pre-submission Peer Review

1 in 10

BELs certified editorsacross the globe are associated with MJLCLARIVATE Journal Publications

Nearly 97% of researchers hold the view that the pre-submission peer review service enhanced the quality of their latest published paper through the detection of scientific mistakes and the correction of missing or inaccurate references.

Frequently Asked Questions

The resubmission service is designed for clients whose final manuscript has been rejected by the desired journal. Our Mjlclarivate Journal Publication experts will help improve your content and review it based on the comments from the journal peers. After reviewing and editing, our experts will create an account and submit the article on behalf of the client as they have a deeper understanding of how these journal publications work.

Our budget plans and fees are tailored to our target audience, and we also offer frequent discounts on our services. Our rates are quite affordable, even for part-time students. For a specific quote, please reach out to us through the contact information available on our website.

Mjlclarivate Journal Publication offers a variety of other services, including English editing, translation services, and resubmission support. Some of our programs also include post-publication services.

The decision of whether to publish an article is influenced by multiple factors, but ultimately depends on the quality of the work. Quality is our top priority, and we never compromise on it. Our expert editors will provide you with a top-notch, final edited manuscript. However, we cannot guarantee publication. We can help increase your chances of publication by assisting you in understanding and following the publication guidelines.

Our resubmission journal service offers several benefits, including a validity period of 12 months. Our experts will set up the client's account and submit the final article to the journal publishers. If you choose a resubmission service as part of another budget plan, you will also enjoy the other services included in that plan.

Have a look at what our published author has to say

Dr. Ana Adams

Thriving career thanks to mjlclarivate Journal Publication

“Being a part of such a prestigious platform where you feel the focus of some incredible editors is unquestionably an honor. You might be needed again. Many thanks.”